Thursday, July 2, 2020

#Her Too

Note to the squeamish, those fine souls
who cannot abide incendiary
details of man's inhumanity in
oppressive and sexually violent
acts against womankind; read no
further. The encounter took place on a
woodland trail, on a hot, sunny morning
where two people, man and wife stood
with their two little dogs speaking with a
friend with his one large breed when
upon the scene arrived a bicyclist
behind whom scampered an exhausted
little cocker spaniel. One man turned
to the other remarking on the stupidity
of running a small animal in oppressive
heat and humidity, in hearing of the
bicyclist, who took immediate umbrage
as people are wont to do, outraged that
she, a 'dog-trainer' would be viewed
with such disrespect, warranting a
contemptful response from the sinner
setting off a hurricane of accusations
shrill and hysterical claiming a lone
defenceless woman in a forest was being 
attacked by a man and would no one
call the police? Offering herself to 'beat
him up' as she virago-impersonating
shrilled her dread fear, spitting a
staccato of threats and woes repeatedly
shouting 'call the police!' as the man
kept backing away assaulted by thoughts
of viral germs emitted from the cavern
of the full-throated victim of harassment.

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