Thursday, July 23, 2020

funny housekeeping cartoons | Cleaning Lady Cartoon

Unfortunate Plight

You know what? We're living through
rough times. Who might ever have
thought in the wildest of their nightmares
that one such as this would descend
not only on us personally but the entire
world? If you're doing all right coping
and managing your affairs taking into
account the new realities and the limits
imposed on daily life, a thought or two
should be spared for those struggling to
get along, and much more than a slight
thought to all those whose future has been
forfeit by the evil stalking humankind in
the guise of a deadly virus. But guess what?
There are limits to anyone's store of 
empathy, and mine was reached when
reading about some elderly dame who
is younger than me bemoaning that for
the first time in 40 years her elderly-gen
house cleaner has been unavailable so
she herself was forced to learn how to
clean her home. How difficult it has been
without regular visits to her hairdresser
and to have her nails regularly looked 
after, and the misery she felt walking
about without her regular pedicure. Good
grief! To think that such people harbour
such deep dependency on others that they
are just now discovering how to cook for
themselves, fails to trigger my automatic
sympathy for the plight of the unfortunate.

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