Friday, July 24, 2020

Spiral Staircase

Rules of the Game

In a world searching for positive verities 
we find a passive social system which
teaches us that it is not what you know
but who you know that engages with
the future you will inherit, a message
not lost on those compelled to 'get ahead'
full steam, knowing they needn't bother
with tried-and-lose methods such as
meritorious performance and pride in
workmanship, using one's intelligence
in lock-step with honest effort for that
is the direction taken by the myriad of
ineffectual losers mired in the tedious 
belief that in a fair competition the most 
qualified gains the prize. We are not born 
cynics but becoming one is the result of 
viewing the game of one-upsmanship and 
cronyism from the prism of a dedicated 
belief in effort, time, patience and proud
professionalism, all qualities satisfying 
the soul but empty of promise, lacking 
the pre-requisite of forging coeval social 
links in a cabal of like-backgrounded elite 
in full-dress possession of the ladder of 
success from which height they deign 
never to look back on the human dross 
struggling to achieve their elusive goal.

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