Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Jesus in the Talmud - Wikipedia

Crucifying Jews

Induction into the hell of infamy begins early 
and never ends -- with Jewish children on
their way home from school hearing the
timeless taunt of "Christ killer!" identifying
them as members of the tribe of deicidal
murderers, one and all, an ageless and
mind-penetrating accusation installed
deep in the consciousness of the faithful
in whom has been instilled the visceral
hatred of Jews responsible for a loving
god sacrificing his mortal son to the greater
goal of furnishing a model for time to come
of sacrifice in the name of the all-powerful
Almighty. Hatred makes strange bedfellows
when Arab usurpers of Biblical-era Judea
claim archaeological history faulted and it
was Arabs masquerading now as 'Palestinians'
co-opting the nomenclature from indigenous
Palestinian Jews for their very own original
historiography much as Mohammad rewrote
Judaism as God's final word in Islam, with
Christ now claimed as Palestinian in origin
Arab, after all, not a Jew, to the great relief and
satisfaction of Jew-hating devout Christians.

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