Rest assured your credulity has been
tested and found wanting wounding trust.
On the other hand be aware that genuine
charm is irresistible as a human quality that
communicates from the owner to the
admirer of such a human trait not all of
us is endowed with, for it cannot otherwise
be acquired. It is the easy self-assurance
that patrician grace, the manner born to
all the more so when one is born within
a manor, a situation of rare privilege
entitling the privileged to consider
themselves exotic creatures of a shade of
nobility whose presence becomes a gift
to all others. Life lessons that imbue you
and me with the cautionary principle that
the piper will be paid for indiscreet and
immoral acts when judgement lapses
somehow never penetrate the conscious
awareness of celebrity figures known and
admired for their lofty presence in the
firmament of mundane human existence.
To them go the plaudits exciting emotions
rendering the ordinary among us their
ardent followers. And even when they
have deliberately side-stepped the obvious
boundaries of the socially permissible into
immoral and illegal territory their sheepish
mea culpas disarm the accusations brought
to bear for the reasoning is they meant well.
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