Monday, July 13, 2020


When We're Harmed

Yes, we understand your umbrage when
being likened not to a prelate a primate
of the church but one of the animal kingdom
and we feel your anguish and always have
for our experience has been similar other
than a primate for we have been labelled
the lowest of the canine curs by those who
despise the legend that claims to identify
our qualities as such disowned by the
righteous rigorously creating divisions
within the race of humankind. Your rage
is ours too, your humiliation as well. And
your demands reflect our own magnified
exponentially for there are infinitely more
of you than there is of us. Slavery was your
condition abetted by your own seeking
profit and caring little for your welfare, a
tribal distance of inbred hostility. Ours a
different fate, diminished through organized
lethality to destroy our presence. The world
once hung its head in shame, contrite. Now
your turn has come and you rise triumphant
in your accusations of inhumanity against
your oppressors. Surprise! You've taken
dead aim at those whose suffering eclipsed
your own over the ages to the present
targeting the venom of blame at the very
group supporting your thrust for overdue
civil rights. In so doing you have armed
yourself with the very slings and arrows
you have long endured, turning against an
ally, proving yourself no better and perhaps
worse than your erstwhile tormentors, for
when you set aside conscience and snarl
and do us harm your campaign for dignity
recognition of equality loses its fulcrum.

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