Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Their Human Pets

It is human nature
to believe that above all other
animals we are the most
cerebrally gifted for after all
are we not 'man-the-wise'?
Into our homes we invite
members of other animal species
to share our lives
prepared at times to stoop
to their level of understanding
failing in the process to 
ourselves realize that it is they
who master us in cleverly
manipulating the view of
dependency and helplessness
all the while manoeuvring their
humans to do their bidding
for after all we are the
provisioners and they the needy
supplicants pleasing us when
they express their acceptance
of our efforts at hygiene 
management otherwise known
as discretionary excrement
bathing and exercising them
feeding and fussing
grooming and entertaining
our clever undeservingly
exploitation-underrated pets. 

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