Thursday, July 16, 2020

BRUCE MacKINNON CARTOON: Sept. 21, 2019 | Editorial-Cartoons ...

Incarnate Charlatan

As a showman P.T.Barnum was peerless
as a judge of human nature beyond
perspicacious for he had opportunity
aplenty to view, assess and conclude
leaving for posterity his sage observation
that you cannot fool all of the people
all of the time likely quoting a politician
whose Lincolnish judgement was likely
without peer. Bringing the past observation
to the present situation where a single
individual incorporating the persona of
both showman and politician is doing
his best to prove them both wrong. In
point of fact, viewing his smug supercilious
face it becomes clear his vibrant self-regard
is quite satisfied that despite flouting
ethics while flaunting his ego the public
still fawns and favours the facade he
presents as a trustworthy guide of the
public weal in a parliamentary democracy
he has chosen to suspend wielding the
power he feels entitled to while flagrantly
committing one breach of trust following
another and all is forgiven when he
attests his intentions were pure and the
outcomes merely misunderstood for
after all, this virtuous man deeply cares
and we know this because he claims it.

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