Thursday, July 23, 2020

Have You Noticed?

Public contrition has become a quite
indispensable tool in the workbox of
politicians when they are caught flat-footed
and outright engaged in actions recognized
as part and parcel of the irresistible
opportunities available to those invested
in governing ostensibly to wield judgement
in the public interest. In autocratic states
there is no need to backtrack and explain
how immoral actions were accidentally
embarked upon, errors of judgement that
will not, no not ever, be engaged upon again
by yours truly. Saying they're truly sorry
hits all the right notes though of course
it is questionable whether their regret relates
to the corrupt act itself or the misfortune of
being caught at it. Examining the situation
so typical of the entitled feeling nothing they
do should be questioned but if they are
the 'all-is-forgiven' ritual is demanded one
realizes that it is the 'woke' progressives among
them that apologize and graciously accept
the forgiveness of the electorate, while the
conservatives among them expect no quarter
from the public for they are never forgiven
and for their sins must vacate the premises.


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