Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sounding Out The Forest

On high the giants of the forest move their
regal rain-drenched masts to the rhythmic
energy of wind, shaking loose bright pearls of
rainwater from an early morning rainfall.
There is an orchestral quality to the wind
soughing through the forest canopy, a slow
regularity of sound now a murmur, then a
distant train oncoming as gusts alternate and
reverberate through the forest, elaborated
and embroidered by the soprano intervention
of a song sparrow its sweet, clear melody
exciting the air as bees fumble back and forth
among the drenched wildflowers. Damselflies
loop their arabesque over the rain-swollen
stream below the forested hillsides. Swift
and nimble squirrels impetuously give chase
red after black oblivious to the grave presence
within the forest confines of coyotes' patient
opportunism. The mud-churning stream roils
and billows through narrow rapids, on its banks
jewelweed orchids glimmer in burnished
orange tones where hoverflies dance and
pollinate in nature's endless cycles. Tranquility
finally reigns in the pulsating woods until the
sky grumbles a deep, prolonged message
that on this hot and humid day a darkly
brooding sky plays host to rolling thunder.

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