Monday, November 2, 2020

The Year of Covid Rule


We're living the mass psychosis of a truly

lapsed year, a hysteria of fear and siege has

draped its deadly curtain over the mass of

the globe's multifarious societies held in

common by their foundational roots as a

species among others whose emotions and

penchant for suspicion and superstition bind

them together even as their choices and

cultures pry them apart; the world community

that imagines itself beset by the scourge of an

microscopic parasite designed with a single

purpose, to replicate endlessly and for that

process the creature which has no life of its

very own seeks out humankind's as a womb

wherein it finds comfort and incentive as it

gains the ascendancy on occasion indulging

in a killing spree martyring itself to the process

as if to honour spectral Death whose company

it holds in respect at a distance for it claims

both victim and victor as its just due in an

apprehended pantomime of life's basic rules.

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