Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Forever A Child


Forever a child you gape and gasp

at the dazzling magic of endless starry

crystals dimpling the air as winter charges

into a landscape left desiccated and grey

by fall, transported to a time deeply etched

in memory when your childish eyes

transcribed the downy coverlet of the world

in your mind with enchantment, and fairy

tales were true as you recall the soft yielding

measures of snow packed into perfect spheres

and snowmen speaking of their delight in

release from the crowded pack and your

clever mittened hands. You remember the

pleasure of burrowing into drifts, of spreading

your arms and legs and there was born a

snow angel. The happy flight of a sled 

skimming a slope to deposit you head over

heels below, the warmth and comfort, the\

laughter and the joy have never vanished

merely tucked safely deep in the bank you

know as memory to be retrieved annually in

a celebration of life and youth and nature.



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