Friday, November 13, 2020

Joy To The World

Rooftop Peeking Santa 43' x 20' Weight: 365 lb. SKU: SSTL-108

Thank heavens for the expected for the

ordinariness of routine for it reflects

normalcy, it shouts it from the rooftops

and there, on roofs and around eaves and

looped over front yard conifers and shrubs

are your neighbours on this cold and blustery

November day threatening rain -- but it could

even be snow flurries -- stringing up their

coloured, blinking Christmas lights and

evergreen decorations, the Santas and the

reindeer all reminiscent of long-familiar

days of joy and celebration, the sound and 

form and colour of the yearly Event of The 

Year that children yearn for and must not be 

disappointed in. How then is this year different 

from any other that has preceded it in living 

memory, other than the wretched looming threat 

hovering over all that is? Possibly the hope that 

it will vanish as swiftly as the threat now afflicting 

humanity reared its menacing affliction to vanquish

all that human-designed science could muster

in defiance of just another anomaly of nature.

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