Thursday, November 12, 2020

Helios The Father


The scintillating jewel in the crown of our 

existence dominates the heavens with its 

irresistible attraction to the awestruck creatures 

that have looked toward that celestial body as 

the creative font of all that is and ever will be

since time immemorial. Its sacred mission to 

foster and nurture well known as all of creation

animal and plant life alike turn their trusting

gaze heavenward to follow its daily trajectory 

across the sky. Its presence eliciting wonder 

and joy as it warms and illuminates this, our 

dwelling place in the vast universe unseen and 

fearful in its sinister cold and dark depths a vast 

chasm of empty space and careening ice, gases

chemicals and minerals, its immensity a mysterious 

unknown. The life-sustaining mission of our 

glowing disc, its transcendent beauty bearing

reassurance transports us with the ecstasy of 

knowing and being, conferring its gift of life.


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