Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Winter Sun


As long as there have been sentient creatures 

awe and adulation, and the timid instinct to

recognize the power and dependence exerted

on the appearance of that ancient orb

that greets us every morning and temporarily

leaves us in the evening -- lighting and warming

our days from dawn to dusk -- the venerable

role of the sun as the giver of life has been

known. Should it ever leave of an evening

and fail to return so too would we in a world

where a cooling planet no longer illuminated

fails to provide the balanced measures for

life to flourish. Winter offers a glimpse of how

vulnerable elements-exposed animals and 

vegetation temporarily cope not abandoned by

our fiery star but removed from closer proximity

as we involuntarily orbit its gravitational draw

resigned to the revolution that will restore us

to the benevolence that inspires our renewal

as worshipful revenants to an ancient ritual.




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