Sunday, November 29, 2020

Iranian Child Martyrdom

Those of the faith endowed with the wisdom of 

years and piety know that solutions to seemingly

impossible dilemmas can be found through the

expedient of compelling the hand of god to point

the direction of proceedings. And so was seen

an answer to the problem of how battle-hardened

soldiers could march to the enemy lines and

escape triggering the minefields separating them

by sending platoons of tens of thousands of child

warriors appropriately bedecked to greet Allah

on their entry to Paradise as martyrs, entry keys

for secure passage around their necks, special permits 

signed by the great Ayatollah his ear to the mouth 

of god following instructions that to save the 

Islamic Revolution, Iran must sacrifice its young 

and unlike Isaac whom the Almighty spared 

returning the child to Father Abraham, there was

no intervention for the martyrdom-impassioned

children of Iran, tutored to obey and to serve.

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