Friday, November 6, 2020

Evolving Post-Extinction

The competing endowments of survival

and curiosity are not unique to that most

select creature of nature's creativity for others

of the animal kingdom appear to share those

attributes, or curses if  you will and it is not

humankind alone whose sense of adventure as

a cure for boredom or a search for greener

pastures drives evolution. A precedent long

before proto-humans left Africa for other

beckoning continents identified when science

discovered duck-billed fossils dating from

the Cretaceous period 66 million years' distant

left their native habitat in North America on

an urge of discovery, launching themselves

toward distant shores, floating, swimming

endlessly to reach Africa, an example followed

in reverse when homo erectus migrated out of

Africa in overland journeys toward destiny's 

call a mere 12,000 years ago, still and forever

mired in the extraordinary evolutionary process.



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