Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Love Note


Dear garden, forgive me, I have been remiss.

I should have told you before how much you

mean to me, and told you often, so please accept 

this as an apology for neglecting to inform you 

just how much you are appreciated for adding

quality to my life. Your calm demeanor, attention

to detail as you get on with the season unfurling

one delight after another in a colourful display

of artistry and unimaginable abundance humbles

me and excites me and pleases me no end. Your

busy and efficient approach to the limited time

given you to excel as best you can has my very

deepest admiration. Your generosity in providing

a landscape of indescribable beauty while so

selflessly offering up haven to insects, food for

butterflies and hummingbirds represents an object

lesson in the very spirit of species collaboration to 

ensure that nature is as proud of her creations as I 

am of your exquisite presence in my life. Thank you.

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