Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Capital City of Judah

Reasonably enough logic seems to agree

that sociopaths can be included in society

in a spirit of tolerance that may view them

merely as eccentrics to be left to their own

harmless devices; social discontent and its

sister maladjustment crafts another world

exclusive to its own. That same logic is in

agreement that psychopaths have no place

designated for them within society, their acts

of inadvertent malice or casual violence 'just

because' mandates they be marooned forcibly

away from vulnerable society, so it is. And

so is it that makes for compelling confusion

when public sympathy veers toward a group

conspicuous in their aggrieved victimhood, a

cause of which is their own intransigence, one

which violently punishes another group they

claim is their aggressor which merely wishes

to live in peace and harmony on an island of

its very own after suffering the malevolence of

genocidal near-oblivion, perpetrators of which

remain convinced that campaign should have

succeeded entirely yet having not the remainder

should be shunned and held accountable for the

sin of claiming their inalienable birthright.



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