Sunday, November 1, 2020

As The World Turns

Editorial cartoon for May 27 |

There is no shortage of bizarrely recurring

events, both natural and humanity-induced 

to grip the world's attention in this fated year

of 2020 that has haunted the world -- from

earthquakes to tsunamis, terrorist attacks

to territorial conflicts and unending proxy wars

reflective of the restively acquisitive nature

of the human animal, when other animals

bequeathed across the species barrier a

viral threat to business-as-usual, distracting

from the ordinary to the extraordinary

confounding medical science and laying

low entire continents as we enter a new era

of uncertainty no longer agency of our own

fortunes but led by the nose gasping for breath

thanks to nature. As though a diversion is 

required to snap us out of the trance of mere

hopelessness another arises as all eyes swivel 

to the spectacle of what will result in either a 

continuation of a dystopian governance of a 

preeminent nation whose affairs affect all others

or its replacement through the installation of a 

challenger prepared to alter or reverse each and 

every maladroit decision produced by a unique

executive administrator flawed beyond belief

to rescue the country and by default the world

and rechannel it into the clear direction of a far

more satisfactory dysfunctionally impacted state.


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