Monday, November 9, 2020

The One And Only


Most assuredly, not just anyone possesses the

democratic authority to sit in that most highly

respected of public institutions called the Oval Office.

But then this man is not 'just anyone', he is a

singular man whose acumen in the 'art of the

deal' is legendary, then tack on to that a mysterious

charisma capable of captivating a huge audience

manipulating their assessment of his sterling

qualities as a statesman-in-waiting in the belief

that as an office-holder of a benevolent and firm

executive overlooking the well-being of a nation

his decisions would be paramount to their own

future success, ushering him to power to confound

political competitors and the world at large. His

entitlement to the office confirmed he swept the

webs of intrigue and corruption aside to make

way for an era of volatile spur-of-the-moment

decisions, alienation of allies, abandonment of

treaties, denials of irregularities in his real estate

holdings, withholding taxes, punishing any who

resisted his immoral, illegal decisions, casting a

wide array of gratuitous personal insults on all

whose better natures offended his own. And when

finally the democratic process retaliated spurning

his expectation of gratitude for all his sacrifices

on behalf of the nation cast himself into the role of

an aggrieved juvenile threatening to abandon the

poor suffering country he had deviously divided

to achieve his ends by huffing off elsewhere in the

delusional belief that any other country harmed by

his casual assaults on reason would welcome him.



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