Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Name It Social Cleansing


Blood libels, pogroms, official persecution, slanders

scapegoats used by tyrants to deflect public anger

at their subsistence level living conditions for whom

blaming the presence of Jews was a useful alternative

to revolts; easier not to notice roving bands of enraged

citizens torching the hovels of cowering Jews than to

dispatch police units to disrupt and dispel protests.

The unsubtle art of denigration to steer a populace

in the direction of despising Jews whom they might

otherwise tolerate in their midst was a fine use of the

propaganda talents of political anti-Semites in a lurid

campaign to rid a continent of the nuisance presence of 

a subhuman horde of intellectuals, artists, scientists

lawyers, doctors, literary giants and their offspring for

they were obviously a subversive element in an otherwise

progressive nation whose concern for the welfare of

its Aryan purity was a source of pride, diminished by

the unwanted presence of crude and clever pretenders. 

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