They are everywhere, at home and abroadthey span the world, transfixed at the sight ofa rare bloom, ecstatic at the thought of the nextseason, confident in nature and bolstered bythe comforting thought that engaging theirenvironment is vital to their very existencetransforming the landscape in step with themistress of us all, part of a sorority, a vastfraternity of like-minded individuals viewingthemselves as gardeners, storing in memoryplants that flower and those whose foliagealone sends them into rhapsodic praise of allvegetation that emerges from the same sourceas us all. From the mundane to the exotic, thepedestrian to the sublime their textures, formfragrance and colour entrance and beguile. Onceseen always remembered the slow fire of lustfocusing on those temptations that must beacquired to grace one's own garden, a universaltrait by which one host of a garden recognizesanother for instant rapport in familiarity. Frommy priceless patch of earth to yours, welcome!Come, let's consult, my friend, teach me...
Friday, July 31, 2020
Botanical Colloquium
Thursday, July 30, 2020
The Offence of Charm

Rest assured your credulity has beentested and found wanting wounding trust.On the other hand be aware that genuinecharm is irresistible as a human quality thatcommunicates from the owner to theadmirer of such a human trait not all ofus is endowed with, for it cannot otherwisebe acquired. It is the easy self-assurancethat patrician grace, the manner born toall the more so when one is born withina manor, a situation of rare privilegeentitling the privileged to considerthemselves exotic creatures of a shade ofnobility whose presence becomes a giftto all others. Life lessons that imbue youand me with the cautionary principle thatthe piper will be paid for indiscreet andimmoral acts when judgement lapsessomehow never penetrate the consciousawareness of celebrity figures known andadmired for their lofty presence in thefirmament of mundane human existence.To them go the plaudits exciting emotionsrendering the ordinary among us theirardent followers. And even when theyhave deliberately side-stepped the obviousboundaries of the socially permissible intoimmoral and illegal territory their sheepishmea culpas disarm the accusations broughtto bear for the reasoning is they meant well.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Sounding Out The Forest
On high the giants of the forest move theirregal rain-drenched masts to the rhythmicenergy of wind, shaking loose bright pearls ofrainwater from an early morning rainfall.There is an orchestral quality to the windsoughing through the forest canopy, a slowregularity of sound now a murmur, then adistant train oncoming as gusts alternate andreverberate through the forest, elaboratedand embroidered by the soprano interventionof a song sparrow its sweet, clear melodyexciting the air as bees fumble back and forthamong the drenched wildflowers. Damselfliesloop their arabesque over the rain-swollenstream below the forested hillsides. Swiftand nimble squirrels impetuously give chasered after black oblivious to the grave presencewithin the forest confines of coyotes' patientopportunism. The mud-churning stream roilsand billows through narrow rapids, on its banksjewelweed orchids glimmer in burnishedorange tones where hoverflies dance andpollinate in nature's endless cycles. Tranquilityfinally reigns in the pulsating woods until thesky grumbles a deep, prolonged messagethat on this hot and humid day a darklybrooding sky plays host to rolling thunder.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Firing the Spark
Do you sometimes muse over the fardistant past when your subconscious suddenlyjogs a memory of someone's attention tothe curiosity of a small child attentive ina distracted but warm appeal to the queriesof an inquisitive mind imparting knowledgeand experience on the impulse to answer animperative to endow the generations with anongoing narrative of existence? For the childwho never looks with longing at the stars abovethinks about the vast expression of the oceansbelow, the mountains reaching to the skyand forests beguiling with their endlessvariety in the endless seasons of life willbe forever mired in a deadlock of disinterestthe years of their precocious wonder passinglacking the recognition deserving of anagile mind in the result of passive disinterestin forging brief mind-to-mind relations whoseimpressions will far outlast communion betweenchild and adult. The memory piquant and timelythe result resonating in a nimble and reflectivemind for it does take a village to raise a child.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Inheriting Genetic Memory

It is an unspeakably vile thing to destroya soul with the vile contempt of viewinghuman beings as commodities, dispensablewhose value lies in their usefulness to othersliving devices lacking full humanity whoselives and labour have the capacity to bringleisure and riches to those who own them.Little wonder that descendants of those whowere taken from Africa writhe in pain at theinherited memory of suffering in the depravedand obscene misuse of human lives tormentedenslaved, raped and deprived of their freedom.There are those who deliberately fail to recognizethe magnitude of this venomous barbarism whichthe enslaved of all ages were forced to endureor perish.Yet there are others of ancient lineagewho well know and recognize this assault onhuman dignity for what it is for they too havesuffered endlessly from antiquity to the present.African slaves were traded for profit by otherAfrican tribes, the intermediaries Arab slavetraders.Yet confoundingly these historical factsof duplicity and cupidity are brushed aside infavour of placing responsibility for historicaland current misery the inheritors of those bleakmemories prefer to believe were caused by thatother people whom history and human failurehave chosen to represent with the very traitsmost held in contempt deserving of blame andthe violence of slander and misrepresentation.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Awakening The Forest
A day of oppressive heatbillowing white cloudsobscuring the sunleaning through the cloud coverpenetrating and burningthe atmosphereto a fiery furnaceno escape but into thechurning waterof the forest creekwashing the banks inthe fury of a maelstromunleashed by thethunderous stormof the night before heavinglow branches heavy withrain, scant comfort tothe birds huddled withinthe drenched confinesof conifers droppingtheir cones on this late summermorning, the air redolentof marsh gasesthe forest beyond claimingthe dusk of deep shadeunder the forest canopydrenched wildlifedenned and silentuntil a woodpecker suddenlypunctuates the atmospherein a bold staccato and asong sparrow responds withthe courage of an ariaawakening the forest.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Programming Instinct
When is an animal out in the forest not
in its natural element? When it has been
selected for domestication away from the
habitat it was born to, in service to another
species that broke from the landscape where
nature nurtured it to rely on its own initiatives
exploiting nature beyond what might ever
have been imagined possible. Breeding
instills in animals impulses and attitudes that
cannot be denied much less over-ridden
through instruction and exposure, threat or
punishment for what becomes written into
the indelible code of existence supporting
survival burns with an intensity not readily
dislodged by any means of coercion. So it is
when accompanying a domesticated animal
whose inbred compulsion to pursue the fleeting
form of another beast that it cannot be recalled
until the ritual hunt-and-kill formula has seen
response and is satisfied. Two noble beasts,
one designed by nature to run free in the
forest, denning up and preying on smaller
denizens, and the other bred to hunt on the
instruction of humankind, domesticated yet
nurturing the wild impulse within, an urban-
wild drama of fox and Malamute, a sorrow.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Rules of the Game
In a world searching for positive verities
we find a passive social system which
teaches us that it is not what you know
but who you know that engages with
the future you will inherit, a message
not lost on those compelled to 'get ahead'
full steam, knowing they needn't bother
with tried-and-lose methods such as
meritorious performance and pride in
workmanship, using one's intelligence
in lock-step with honest effort for that
is the direction taken by the myriad of
ineffectual losers mired in the tedious
belief that in a fair competition the most
qualified gains the prize. We are not born
cynics but becoming one is the result of
viewing the game of one-upsmanship and
cronyism from the prism of a dedicated
belief in effort, time, patience and proud
professionalism, all qualities satisfying
the soul but empty of promise, lacking
the pre-requisite of forging coeval social
links in a cabal of like-backgrounded elite
in full-dress possession of the ladder of
success from which height they deign
never to look back on the human dross
struggling to achieve their elusive goal.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Have You Noticed?
Public contrition has become a quiteindispensable tool in the workbox ofpoliticians when they are caught flat-footedand outright engaged in actions recognizedas part and parcel of the irresistibleopportunities available to those investedin governing ostensibly to wield judgementin the public interest. In autocratic statesthere is no need to backtrack and explainhow immoral actions were accidentallyembarked upon, errors of judgement thatwill not, no not ever, be engaged upon againby yours truly. Saying they're truly sorryhits all the right notes though of courseit is questionable whether their regret relatesto the corrupt act itself or the misfortune ofbeing caught at it. Examining the situationso typical of the entitled feeling nothing theydo should be questioned but if they arethe 'all-is-forgiven' ritual is demanded onerealizes that it is the 'woke' progressives amongthem that apologize and graciously acceptthe forgiveness of the electorate, while theconservatives among them expect no quarterfrom the public for they are never forgivenand for their sins must vacate the premises.

Unfortunate Plight
You know what? We're living through
rough times. Who might ever have
thought in the wildest of their nightmares
that one such as this would descend
not only on us personally but the entire
world? If you're doing all right coping
and managing your affairs taking into
account the new realities and the limits
imposed on daily life, a thought or two
should be spared for those struggling to
get along, and much more than a slight
thought to all those whose future has been
forfeit by the evil stalking humankind in
the guise of a deadly virus. But guess what?
There are limits to anyone's store of
empathy, and mine was reached when
reading about some elderly dame who
is younger than me bemoaning that for
the first time in 40 years her elderly-gen
house cleaner has been unavailable so
she herself was forced to learn how to
clean her home. How difficult it has been
without regular visits to her hairdresser
and to have her nails regularly looked
after, and the misery she felt walking
about without her regular pedicure. Good
grief! To think that such people harbour
such deep dependency on others that they
are just now discovering how to cook for
themselves, fails to trigger my automatic
sympathy for the plight of the unfortunate.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Cul de Sac
My memory probes have revealed
nothing. Does my subconscious know
something that I do not? That vaguer
than vague twinge haunting my thoughts
must have some meaning. Is it something
I cannot recall? That I have no lingering
memory of, perhaps? A recall of some
time, a place where I have been before.
That stroll through the forest on a narrow
trail overhung with a dense canopy of
green admitting no sun, deep in the dusk
of daylight shade, is that a metaphor for
something that should have great meaning
to me? A green so deep it has swallowed
ambient light, threatens to swallow my
presence. Yet the landscape exudes a deep
feeling of familiarity, a comfortable ease
that makes little sense against the itch of
knowing when I know nothing at all.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
A giant stands sentry, as old and as
regal as nature itself, its stolid presence
guarding a cornucopia of treasures
vibrant and colourful their appearance
assurance that time and life intersect
endlessly as companions of existence.
Under the vaulted blue lid of the sky
the earth below is saturated with the
light and warmth of that life-endowing
furnace of molten gold. Its issue lies
below where the forest treasury boasts
an exquisite array of flowers designed
to pleasure the landscape alongside
vegetation of glowing verdant grace
dangling their gifts of grapes and berries
nuts and apples to entice the attention
of birds, butterflies and mammals to
a feast of generous proportions, the
atmosphere enlivened by the gratitude
of birds praising nature's elements.
Monday, July 20, 2020

Have You Heard?
Have you heard about the massive hoaxthat's been perpetrated against the globalcommunity, by any chance? Aha! I can seethe incredulity in your eyes though yourfacial expressed is masked, that there is acertain disbelief hobbling your mindclosed to the possibility that you have beencomplicit in turning the world's social orderand economy inside out, twisting the presentand fogging the future. In one improbablyfell swoop all that is familiar to advancedhumanity has receded, closing bordersinhibiting trade, leaving people unemployedand in dire straits, hospitals convinced theymust focus only on the supposition the publicwill suddenly collapse in a mass paroxysmof apprehended respiration. Strange symptomsand stranger outcomes puzzle the medicalcommunity struggling to cope with thismysterious illness. The globe pulsates withpanicked trepidation as people pray to bespared in a mass psychosis of surrender tothis message of a deadly zoonotic laying wholesocieties low. A risible hoax, my friend, youwho maintain such a careful distance from meunwilling to believe the simple truth that anunnamed malignant force has mesmerized youand the world into believing that benevolentnature has turned her back on her creatures.Mass hypnosis, my friend, hyper-hypnosis!The sick, the dying, the deaths? Mere illusions.This, on the world's most powerful authority.
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Divine Destiny
From a common origin in time's
misted past they prized a sacred bond
a covenant of belief and struggled to
be faithful to that belief in their never
ending pursuit of life, liberty and that
goal of all humankind, happiness. That
place they called their own challenged
by others whose own pursuit of conquest
of territory set tribe against tribe and
clan upon clan with superior forces of
warfare and entitlements displacing the
vulnerable to exile, globally dispersing
a people all held in suspicion for their
very deviance from others' norms. As the
ages passed and each diaspora group
scattered far and wide held to be intruders
unwanted and violated the aspirational
dream of return became more manifest
and desperate as pogroms lead to more
of the same culminating in a genocidal
solution so successful what remained
set forward a blueprint of return -- for
Zion awaited. The return to Judean
heritage bespoke hope and a future
secured by defiance and defence against
an everlastingly hostile world. A defence
so enduringly called upon stirring deep
in the nation's subconscious -- nevermore
would its people be deprived of life
liberty and the pursuit of happiness
even at the perpetual cost of relentless
defence threatening existential upheaval
a condition so dire yet so familiar the
nation's vigilance can never waver for
next-year-in-Jerusalem finally arrived.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Life Calls
With metronomic regularity
time ticks on offering one day
following another
challenging the aware to
charge into a new opportunity
to become so immersed
in forming the hours into an
experience novel and infused
with a pulsating excitement
dredged up by a subconscious
that must surely have tucked
away the memory of
generations before in a timeless
transfer of adventure mired in
both folly and conquest
that it charges and recharges
the imagination in recognition
of the possible acceding to
the relentless impulse to garner
resources, gather courage
gain confidence and emerge
resolved to pack the day with
every unique and random search
to answer every question that ever
rose from an unknown source
in the endless, restless voyage to
the future, day by following day
approachable and defiant of
the mind's doubts. A provocation.
Friday, July 17, 2020

Then and Now
There is this about the human condition
not much changes. At one time he would be
called a jovial man but the description brings
forward the vision of a colossal painting by
Jacob Jordaens of a Renaissance-period
wine-swilling obese paterfamilias, so in this
era he would be labelled an extrovert and
in point of fact no one could mistake his
trim athletic form and smiling face for anything
but the visage of a perfectly nice man with a
well balanced attitude of moderation in all things.
The Golden Rule handed down through the ages
and heeded by few. To Jordaens' man the
passage of time conveyed the adage of eat
drink and be merry for none know what the
morrow brings, viewing his ample flesh with
satisfaction as a proud symbol of prosperity.
Our friend is circumspect, enjoying life and
planning to do so while his longevity permits
taking pleasure in leisure pursuits, restraining
appetite for all excesses from food and drink
to risky behaviour, taking pride in managing
his severe and chronic health conditions.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Incarnate Charlatan
As a showman P.T.Barnum was peerless
as a judge of human nature beyond
perspicacious for he had opportunity
aplenty to view, assess and conclude
leaving for posterity his sage observation
that you cannot fool all of the people
all of the time likely quoting a politician
whose Lincolnish judgement was likely
without peer. Bringing the past observation
to the present situation where a single
individual incorporating the persona of
both showman and politician is doing
his best to prove them both wrong. In
point of fact, viewing his smug supercilious
face it becomes clear his vibrant self-regard
is quite satisfied that despite flouting
ethics while flaunting his ego the public
still fawns and favours the facade he
presents as a trustworthy guide of the
public weal in a parliamentary democracy
he has chosen to suspend wielding the
power he feels entitled to while flagrantly
committing one breach of trust following
another and all is forgiven when he
attests his intentions were pure and the
outcomes merely misunderstood for
after all, this virtuous man deeply cares
and we know this because he claims it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Their Human Pets
It is human nature
to believe that above all other
animals we are the most
cerebrally gifted for after all
are we not 'man-the-wise'?
Into our homes we invite
members of other animal species
to share our lives
prepared at times to stoop
to their level of understanding
failing in the process to
ourselves realize that it is they
who master us in cleverly
manipulating the view of
dependency and helplessness
all the while manoeuvring their
humans to do their bidding
for after all we are the
provisioners and they the needy
supplicants pleasing us when
they express their acceptance
of our efforts at hygiene
management otherwise known
as discretionary excrement
bathing and exercising them
feeding and fussing
grooming and entertaining
our clever undeservingly
exploitation-underrated pets.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
The Black Admiral
Like the merest wisp of a dream
it lifts itself effortlessly on
the barest of breezes
itself as light as a thought
swooping and swerving
performing arabesques
in an balletic performance
of sheer joyful beauty
as though it is aware that
the world of nature is
there for its dancing presence
a black-and-white butterfly
exquisitely speaking nature's
language of languid comfort
in the niche that evolution
has given it, a poem in flight
pirouetting through the forest.
Monday, July 13, 2020
When We're Harmed
Yes, we understand your umbrage whenbeing likened not to a prelate a primateof the church but one of the animal kingdomand we feel your anguish and always havefor our experience has been similar otherthan a primate for we have been labelledthe lowest of the canine curs by those whodespise the legend that claims to identifyour qualities as such disowned by therighteous rigorously creating divisionswithin the race of humankind. Your rageis ours too, your humiliation as well. Andyour demands reflect our own magnifiedexponentially for there are infinitely moreof you than there is of us. Slavery was yourcondition abetted by your own seekingprofit and caring little for your welfare, atribal distance of inbred hostility. Ours adifferent fate, diminished through organizedlethality to destroy our presence. The worldonce hung its head in shame, contrite. Nowyour turn has come and you rise triumphantin your accusations of inhumanity againstyour oppressors. Surprise! You've takendead aim at those whose suffering eclipsedyour own over the ages to the presenttargeting the venom of blame at the verygroup supporting your thrust for overduecivil rights. In so doing you have armedyourself with the very slings and arrowsyou have long endured, turning against anally, proving yourself no better and perhapsworse than your erstwhile tormentors, forwhen you set aside conscience and snarland do us harm your campaign for dignityrecognition of equality loses its fulcrum.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
In an earlier era of human developmentwhen people lived closer to natureforests were both useful and places ofgreat mystery which seemed to offer anaura of threat to nearby residents whosechildren were taught the folklore of theforest as an object lesson in fear in theirintroduction to Hansel and Gretel and thewitch that inhabited every deep, darkforest interior as well as Little Red RidingHood whose grandmother a wicked wolfimpersonated. One never knows for therewas also Good King Wenceslas who espieda needy peasant on Christmas Eve. In thismodern era when the bulk of any populationis far removed from natural surroundingsfew such fascinating fears are instilled inchildren where forests are less threateningand perhaps feature as places of adventure.Where stalwart souls seek out the ambianceof a forgotten world their ancestors knewand now cheekily find comfort amidst thetrees and the wildlife awaiting discovery.In mine alone a spirit of mischief prevailsfor some arcane soul wanders the trails whennone others are about leaving behind itemsplaced in inconspicuous places ripe forsurprise and discovery. In winter minusculesnowmen well detailed sit atop tree stumpsand in spring painted rocks spell out cheerymessages. The latest confounding messageespied looped on the inner branches of avenerable wild apple tree that of a miniaturedoghouse, complete with resident awaitinga chance discovery left by the forest's spirit.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
In Season's Praise
In this place the supernatural emerges
in the deep dark hours of night. But
this is morning and a preternatural
aura still persists, dusk yet hovering
unwilling to welcome dawn with
proper respect. For this is not a day
when the vast dome of the sky appears
blue as the ocean free of waves of
vapour. The forest steams in a summer
of heat and humidity, fat drops of rain
slipping from forest canopy to forest
floor, steeped deep in the excess that
last night's torrents hurled by the wind
drowned the forest in yet failed to lift the
pressure of the firebox it has become
this season. Still, a robin trills then
strings a worm from the vibrating soil
while tiny yellow feathered ovals swoop
among hemlocks and oaks as goldfinches
burst into song in praise of the season.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Oh, simple enough if you possess that
requisite flair for the stage -- all the more
so if your stage is politics where drama
of one kind or another is always expected
and expected to be dealt with. Flair and
finesse help. And if you're caught in one
of those bold-faced lies, express a contrite
mea culpa, adding you had the best of
intentions. Be brazen, and smile for the
following stage is that celebrity-popularity
role you were born to. Not your fault you
were born to charm and if that quality is
an aid to deception, so be it. Politics, after
all. The world's your oyster and you're its
pearl, didn't your mama tell you so? Your
papa was the Northern Magus, both such
talented thespians gifting you with that
magic essence called charisma, capable of
enchanting the naive and easily led who
will not credit charges of corruption nor
dereliction of duty, nor malevolence to one
so given to generously giving of himself
to the applause of that adoring audience
championing your casual distribution of
the nation's wealth in a bold and direct bid
to garner votes ... and good man ... it works!
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