Friday, March 1, 2019

Compassion Stillborn

It is quite possible to feel compassion
tinged with the satisfaction of knowing
it is not yourself consigned to an elderly
position of dependency - not yet but
eventually. This is not a measure of
one's humanity for we all have our
faults, forgivable depending upon the
level of transgression against others
those faults may represent. That elderly
neighbour whom you've known for a
generation whose physical condition
degenerated to the point of institutional
care in his 'golden years' though he
declares contentment to be there and
sends emails to those his wit formerly
rapiered causing him great amusement
a  case in point. You recall how your 
husband's faltering condition once
when recovering from a dire health
emergency brought from his sardonic
mind a stinging string of witticisms and
you now recoil at the very idea of making
a neighbourly effort to lighten his days
by your occasional presence where the
stultifying days pass one after another
and surely the forgiving presence of
an acquaintance would provide a lift.
That memory however, reminds you 
that as one chooses to navigate the
seas of friendship in time rebounds
when storms erupt -- and you decline.

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