Saturday, March 23, 2019

Thee and Me

The received wisdom of the sages
not to be questioned, there for us to
recognize as universal truths such as
no man is an island but yet open to
question. Though we are by nature
gregarious creatures seeking our
place amongst others like ourselves
and finding comfort in not being
alone and hoping that our presence
is valued and our good natures are
recognized by others who will come
to our aid when we are in evident
need, we are our very selves islands
living in remote isolation from all
others, uncertain and fragile in thought
and temperament shielding ourselves
from discovery, maintaining discreet
counsel, presenting one aspect of
ourselves to public view while that
hidden portion of self is held beyond
the knowledge of any. For the simple
truth is we are ourselves puzzled by
who we are, how we are motivated and
the emotions that spring from the
depths of our subconscious as we
struggle to understand the facade we 
present living our hermit lives.

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