Friday, March 15, 2019

Our Heavenly Mother

We are termed humankind yet there
is little 'kind' about our humanity
and we are like frightened children
in the frailty of our need and the
ferocity of our rage. In our never
ending search for comfort in a hostile
world where fortune gives no guarantees
of survival we search for answers and
find none while in the process declare
our faith in the presence of a heavenly
spirit whose powers are overwhelming
and endless yet gently loving to his
faithful. Perhaps that father figure has
since time immemorial challenged the 
authority of the spirit possessing the true
power of creation, the mother of all
that exists who, once having created
her creatures leaves them to their own
devices, to struggle and to endure as
best they can, while finding belief in
the presence of a primeval figure
reassuring to minds unprepared for
rational thought inherent in the truth
that we are as we are as designed and
bred by nature whose powers are manifest
and purpose inconceivable. Magisterial
omnipotence is irrelevant to the forces
that nature employs and trust in an
omniscient god a trifle for babes.

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