Sunday, March 10, 2019

Devolution's Deity

Just as nature abhors a vacuum
so too does the human psyche search
for rescue from boredom, filling its
collective mind with intellectual
pursuits, the gravity of existence
forging emotional relationships
and setting out on cerebral and
physical voyages of discovery. It
is this very attribute of curiosity
and interaction allied with enerprise
that has built over the millennia
a shared understanding of equality
rights struggling to make itself
universal, a world of innovation of
technical and industrial magnitude 
that has lifted humankind into an era 
of ease, surcease from poverty and
a wholesome appreciation of fortune's
vicissitudes. In an incalculable and
mysterious reversal a significant
demographic clings to ancient fears
dedicating themselves to a mystic
almighty force of faith taking from
it not the admonitions of decency
but the forms of suspicion, envy
resentment and hatred spurring
them to reject civilized norms in
favour of stark savagery claiming
service to a powerful, vengeful and
jealous god to whom all must pay
due obeisance or forfeit life.

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