Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Progress ...

The lot of humankind is steadily
improving and we know this because
we are informed of the great good news
that world hunger is being appeased
fewer people now inhabiting this globe
alongside we fortunate ones born in
the right place at the right time face
starvation, privation, sickness and
premature death. Take Africa as an
example, the place where exasperated
mothers used to point out to their
balking children refusing to eat the
food so lovingly prepared for them to
grow healthy in mind and body yet
relentlessly informed of the darkly
sinister truth that children just like
them went to bed hungry every night
without the choice to select what they
might eat and what set aside. African
children are now assured a steady diet
of nutritious meals thanks to progress
in agriculture, technology and economy.
Ah, Africa! Where tribalism, clans and
ethnic and religious sectarianism roils
the continent's inhabitants in one conflict 
after another while their leaders glower 
at the representatives of Western nations
once their colonial overlords raping
the geography of its natural resources
humiliating the people as lesser humans
demanding restitution while doing little
to improve the lives of their own, too busy
grumblingly building their bank accounts
quite like their Western counterparts.

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