Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Dramatist

Utterly charming, a prince of a fellow
whose talents and charisma stand out
in a field of earnest others serious
of mien and failing to capture the
admiration of the voting public. A
prince indeed, one descended from an
aristocracy of inherited wealth and a
father who in his turn captured the
public imagination to reign before him
as the philosopher-king of politics. His
son while inheriting some of his father's
qualities, beginning with showmanship
and an aura of authority, unfortunately
followed his mother's genetic code
absent cerebral acuity, compensating
by a full-spectrum self-confidence nicely
bolstered by the conviction of wholesale
entitlement. The electorate is entirely
polarized between those who wince
each time the man emits commitments
to virtuous enterprises with a breezy
comment and a sunshine smile, and 
the other half who celebrate his vaunted
progressive credentials as a liberal
socialist feminist endearing himself
endlessly to the socially connected in a
youth culture whose social contract is to 
spurn fusty old verities of another era. 

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