Sunday, March 17, 2019

Between Species

Sometimes that old adage
of not being able to pick your
neighbours is defied when you
enjoy the great good fortune
of a home situated nearby
an urban forest because in
your decision-making living
nearby a natural preserve
represented quality in life for
you. And then comes the part
when you and your neighbours
casually agree to reciprocation
they accepting your occasional
presence in their habitat and
you acceding to theirs in yours
so that over the years of near
co-habitation a familiarity of
trust is established and now
you revel in their presence
revealed now and again in the
forest leading you to honour an
unspoken pact that in times of
seasonal want you extend a
pantry of nuts, seeds and varied
delectables on your porch for
easy access to your guests
both diurnal and nocturnal.


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