Monday, March 25, 2019


Return To Zion

Faith in their prophets and faithful to
the Almighty the Orientals living
amongst those greater populations
defined as Semites recall the glory
that once was Judea a proud heritage
of a people whose spirit would remain
unbroken though Solomon's Temple
was twice destroyed and his people
exiled to live an existence of mournful
remembrance holding sacred the
promise of elusive Zion. Pilgrimage
to the ruins of the Temple in memory
of a time long gone refreshed the
pledge of next year in Jerusalem
ancient city of David and of Divine
presence, its essence defined in grace
and enshrined in defiance against
Imperial Rome. Diaspora remnants
dream of return, to join those who
had never abandoned the sacred soil
their selves enslaved but their souls
free to worship even as they decried
their fate leaving discreet messages on
the Wall, weeping, swaying, praying.

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