Thursday, February 28, 2019

Political Storm

Take due note of high-profile scandals
that inevitably break free to be publicly
aired when one pressed unduly to set
aside her moral authority once assigned 
to an official post of seeing justice done 
in all its glorious potential, takes umbrage
happens to be resolute and faithful to the
premise that law and order must reflect 
equal status of justice meted out to all
so dare not promote interest of self over 
justice. Presidents and Prime Ministers 
have fallen over time in reflection of just 
such attitudes of entitlement in the interests 
of evading justice on behalf of the powerful 
that have their willing ear balanced 
against the threat of economic damage 
difficult to sustain in the face of looming
unemployment as elections draw near.
For there are some, once faithful whose 
outrage will not be pacified in the face 
of urgent solidarity while planning perfidy. 
And to those unwilling to compromise an
entire public, informed, is eternally grateful. 

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