Thursday, March 14, 2019

Not To Worry

All will be well, play your cards
cunningly and it's not all that hard to
do because you had the vision to
answer the call of faith duty to leave
for abroad to join an exciting enterprise
in the process find a husband and
have children to people the world in
exchange for those babes slaughtered
as unworthy along with their fathers
while their mothers were kept as sex
slaves and since it was all sanctioned
by the sacred texts you honour, you
are guilty of nothing but faithfulness.
Join the ranks of those deemed free
of responsibility for their actions
harmful to humanity and society
such as the traitors whose access to
classified data enables them to betray
their country, along with members
of your very own faith opting to 
remain at 'home' in the West and to
get on with life by preying on the
most vulnerable of women now and
again to dispose of them like trash;
first the murder then dismemberment
and what they have in common is
appealing to the mercy of public
consciousness that prays at the alter
of forgiveness when males transition
to female designation joining a newly
defended demographic that can do no
wrong and for whom all is forgiven
the irony being of course that while
they receive treatment similar to your
own, pardoning their very personae
represent anathema to your sense of
righteous sanctimony based on faith.

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