Saturday, March 30, 2019


Defining Faith

We have faith that tomorrow will
arrive on schedule, grounded in the
experience that it always does. Never
do we think: what if? We believe
that when everything around us has
swept us into a hopeless tide of
dysfunction we keep faith with hope.
Faith is the belief that the one we
have invested our intimate emotions
with will always reciprocate and life
will be one long and happy path to
the future together. Faith is what those
who believe in the presence of an
all-powerful divinity have despite no
visible evidence. Seeing is believing
to many, not all. On a more pedestrian
level is the faith that takes us along
life's varying avenues in the trust we
will select the one leading to good
fortune. Even more humdrum is the
daily faith we have that nature which
for many is the only true religion will
remember her promises to us and
honour her seasons. Take spring for
example, nature's tardy daughter for
whom procrastination has become an
art form. It takes faith on our part
when confronted with snowstorms in
spring to have confidence in nature.

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