Saturday, March 2, 2019


Like a divinely-inspired
whirling dervish
a frantic perpetual motion
machine the tiny terrier
new to life and to the
hedonistic pleasures of 
whipping hither and yon
along forest trails
delving into shaded areas
of the forest floor
chasing the beams of sunlight
illuminating the newfallen
snow, digging impulsively
through the soft, white
layers on the pathways
indulging in leaps and bounds
in the sheer exultant pleasure
of existence followed by
an indulgent human
chuckling in a veritable
transport of delight
the puppy acquainted itself
with an unfamiliar landscape.
A wonder to behold
thought onlookers as they passed.
Not so other, older dogs
loping past, tending to view
the puppy with alarm and to
back away whenever it
bounced close to make 
new friends, they uncertain
and it determined unaware
of canine conventions
while they had forgotten
the impulses and compulsion
of celebrating life when
they too were once young.

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