Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Routine Choice

Routine regulates our lives. Our 
minds are free to occupy thoughts
other than what our subconscious
guides us to automatically tend to.
Case in point the care taken to insert
a plastic bag in the rigid plastic boxes
we use weekly for our food shopping
expeditions. Our consciousness has
accepted that certain of our choices
will give aid and support to those
whose choices are limited. That
routine extends to the type of food
we favour, a selective choice varying
but little from week to week. Staples
and non-perishable items that never
form part of our own basic food 
choices, with an emphasis on
balancing protein with carbohydrates
and fat we use ourselves in common
perishable form. The week's selection
taken to the cash-out where the same
cashier week after week graciously
smiles her personal greeting while
patiently withdrawing each item from
that plastic bag separating them from
our take-home whole foods to run them
through the register, then carefully 
return each to the bag, knotting the top 
securely, to take its place in the large 
bin awaiting eventual pickup by our 
neighbourhood food cupboard. We 
are, in essence, making selections
of comestibles for people we don't
know as though inviting guests to
our dinner table to share with us a
meal perhaps unpalatable to their
taste, partaking with little choice.



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