Monday, March 4, 2019

Nature's Vitriol

Man proposes, Nature disposes ... this is
the natural order of things, that in all
matters of existence it is nature herself
that has the last word. Given a choice who
wouldn't prefer to live by the sea, alongside
a forest, in a valley in the shadow of majestic
mountains? Somewhere in the world there
are those who haven't a choice and this is
where they live, within forests, under the
shade of a sleeping volcano, beside the
endless ocean in exotic landscapes where
when the earth itself shrugs its submerged
plates tsunamis emerge in response, and
when the pressure of the planet's interior
heat builds to a crescendo, fiery hot lava 
spumes over the landscape no less than
do tropical monsoons dredge the sides
of mountains loosing boulders to produce
deadly rockslides.... These are, after all
Nature's precincts where her creatures live
and in so doing become vulnerable to her
vibrantly volatile wrath on those occasions
when she sets aside her benevolent nature.
Those among us who choose to live by the 
sea, mesmerized by its rhythmic murmuration
or at the cusp of a forest, loving the sight of
venerable trees and the mysteries of imagining
the creatures we share the landscape with also
become vulnerable to unstoppable wildfires
scorching everything and everyone in their
path, to voluminous rainfalls without end
swelling lakes and rivers so scenic otherwise
becoming a threat to life and property, in 
revealing such lifestyle choices' propensity
to irritate the elements doing Nature's bidding.

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