Monday, February 18, 2019

Winter Skyscape

Winter in the cranky throes of its element
the ferocity of the storm refused to abate
its focus on exhausting its stores to
muffle the landscape in layers of new
snow. As night fell and light from a city
illuminating the dark hours while all within
slept, glancing off the clouds shedding
their burdens the wind scattered snow in
luminous skeins of icy crystals, the dark
hours of night fled and the sky became a
festive ballroom whose decor reflected
the Milky Way, an immense space of
luminous beauty with light catching and
reflecting off heavenly objects dancing
in the immensity of space and time as
though mirroring the cosmos in a micro
second of the imagination bewitching the
eye of the beholder privileged to view the
phenomenon as much imagined as seen.

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