Friday, February 8, 2019

Man The Wise

For most of human history existence
equalled the never-ending search for a
food supply without which no life would
be possible. Nature endowed humankind
as she did all her creatures with the will
to survive, the assurance of which would
be proven in sourcing food of any and all
varieties available wherever humankind
settled or wandered in its migration to
cover the globe, savaging the environment
in the endless sourcing of sustenance.
How humankind has prospered in that
universal search stripping nature of its
fecundity in service to humanity. And
now that an abundance of food is assured
we invest emotional agony to determine
which to indulge in. Where once humans
ricocheted from full belly to starvation
the cornucopia of hunger-satiating foods
abound in those geographies unsaturated
by conflicts disrupting agrarian pursuits.
In this era of plenty premature death is far
more likely to result from over-consumption
than from malnourishment as obesity
stalks the planet with its accompanying
stalwarts in the march toward early death
triggering critical body organs to fail, the
result of once non-existent choices now
bedazzling the intemperate appetites of 
the gluttons among us savouring greed.

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