Thursday, February 14, 2019


Snow arrived in great billowing 
sheets of countless stars as though 
the universe had moved into the forest 
bringing with it its infinite array of 
brilliant stars, a Milky Way of endless 
shimmering objects lifted, blown
spiralling over the landscape by a 
massive solar wind carrying the 
sparkling frozen mass above and 
beyond the forest canopy to spiral
onto the forest floor enveloping the 
whole in a bouffant embroidery of 
scintillating white. Twilight entered 
and dusk began to shade the light 
doing little to diminish the glow of 
that comforter muffling the woods 
and with it sound where before the
storm the staccato of woodpeckers 
and call of chickadees and whistle 
overhead of hawks in flight animated
the now-blanketed sleeping forest.

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