Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Process This

It is, yes, a dilemma of distinct and
troubling proportions. Presenting societies
of western democracy with a non-choice
over which equivocation will do nothing
whatever to solve the issue. The issue?
Precisely; for having absorbed into their
communities of diverse beliefs, heritage
ethnicity and culture there arose among
them those of their issue who have abruptly
and happily shunted aside the bromides of
equality for the much more attractive call
to the faithful under Sharia to cleave to
their obligation to jihad. And when men
and women among them, children and
adults alike flooded away from civilized
havens of comfort and aspirational success
leaving behind bemused and disbelieving
authorities unable to divine why it might be
that any citizen would become amenable
to be a part of a Medieval thrust to take
humankind back to a time of slaughter and
slavery, little did they imagine they would
one day be faced with the greater irony
of reclaiming those citizens steeped in the
experience of witnessing and committing
ghastly atrocities against innocents and
combatants alike. That time has come when
governments are faced with the prospects
of returnees, men committed to jihad and
women nursing their Islamic State-derived
offspring, clamouring to be rescued from
the courageous groups they had themselves
persecuted and now the conquerors of the
caliphate that set out to rule the world.
There is, of course, a solution, one that
the jihadis would have no problem in
implementing, withheld by humanitarian
scruples they have no interest in at all.

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