Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Time and Memory

Each day becomes an ephemeral wisp of time
the months fleeting, but not inconsequential
in the grand strategy of years that come 
and go marking episodes and significant 
milestones to be remembered. The seasons
are frequent visitors in nature's clockwork
mechanism of existence, space and time 
on this planet. On a winter day the elements 
assemble like a sublime chorus of heavenly 
voices to offer theatrics unparalleled by 
any human agency to produce an ocean 
of blue in the quivering cold rivalling those
that host a dark night in the stratosphere
but within that ocean our sun the source of life's 
comforting warmth sprays its dazzling
filaments of light to capture the eye of the 
spectator as wind rustles dried foliage in 
a forested landscape of enchanting presence.
The lens of that eye absorbs the captivating
scene appraising its spectacular dimensions
and living beauty then tucks it all securely 
into the mind's memory in the subconscious
from where it can be called upon to surface 
briefly, a faint, wholly memorable replica 
of the original reminiscent of a shooting star.

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