Saturday, February 2, 2019

Snow, Falling

Even the winter wind and the cold
seem to somehow recognize the entry
of another of winter's elements in the
throes of a winter day's snowstorm
when the world turns a wondrous
shimmering white and there are no
impediments to a landscape of beauty
so intense it takes my breath away. And
each time I wander through the woods
in the midst of snow falling so softly
it caresses everything it touches with
its tender presence, it is as though I 
have never before beheld such
transcendent loveliness as everything
surrounding me is entwined in the
gossamer skeins of snowfall gently
transforming the world into a pristine
sparkling scene of lofty dimensions
lifting all that survey the event into a
transport of dreamy observation all the
while hugging oneself with the joy of it.

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