Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cultural Tyranny

How perfectly civil Democracies tend
to be, beyond virtuous in their regard
for sensitivities distinguishing all people
as qualifying for equal rights and pursuing
that agenda relentlessly, persuaded they
have the key that will unlock the perfect
world to benefit all of humankind. How
perfectly sociopathic tribal societies tend
to be with their tyrannies of entitlement
their dictators and casual disregard of all
human rights, viewing askance as enemies
all those collective nations willing to 
accept them and their bigotry and violence
as intrinsically equal however misguided.
The dictatorships of the majorities and of
the minorities enforcing their personal
rules of imperial judgements enslaving
and belittling, persecuting and imprisoning
warning, torturing and besieging their
own along with neighbours' in conflict
shed their troublesome populations like
lice cleansed from their body politic in
the assurance their refugee plight will 
move the compassionate spirit of those
populations and their governments who
rule by just laws in a wholesale transfer
of people escaping with their lives and
little else yet bringing with them the very
culture and historical enmities that have
enabled their tormentors to power as
they become restive in the new environs
allowing them liberty to do as they will
and they will in time rebel, demanding
their due to restrain equality extended to
those they deem unequal to the privilege.

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