Monday, February 25, 2019

Defying Humanity

There is not much new to report on the
extent of mankind's departure from civil
normality in favour of depravity for what 
is old is once again new though there are 
the exceedingly distraught who prefer to 
believe that the debased humans who 
carry out atrocities are in fact not at all 
human. Reality is the shame inherent in
their humanness that they are all-too human
a distinct part of humanity, yet not to be 
confused with a fearsome anomaly of 
psychopathy become at some stale date 
in history a viral phenomenon coursing 
through the accursed minds of the afflicted 
to enable them to pursue an agenda of 
mass extermination in genocide, but a 
horribly recurring psychosis afflicting 
those who are amenable to the belief that 
they are superior and entitled to destroy 
the lives of sub-human inferiors whom 
they describe as unfit to live. So that 
even while mass graves are still being
uncovered from the Holocaust years 
unearthing men, women and children 
of Jewish origin, at the very same time 
eighty years later other mass graves are
discovered, their victims much newer
the defenceless and the friendless whose 
lack of presence the world once again 
handily overlooks as yet another sordid
unfortunate lapse in humanity while 
the world is pre-occupied by far more 
pressing matters requiring attention.

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