Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Yazidi Torment

Feared and despised in equal measure
the loathsome warriors of Islamic
conquest in searching for victims
identify the minority sects, unarmed
and innocent of harm to anyone
as a signal to the world of their
rapacious appetite for death, rape
and adherence to sacred scriptures
justifying the slaughter of those who
fail to surrender their souls to a loving
god who has amplified the message
of faith in jihad exploiting the
vehicle of terror to send their virulent
message of hatred and contempt for
all those who resist their conquest
of a civil world order. The pathology
of entitlement to uprooting the
defenceless from their ancient home
and heritage, of bloodshed and its
gory celebration in honour of Islam
is exceeded only in their zeal to
'spare' women and children from
immediate death in favour of slavery
to be sold and bartered, beaten and
raped then finally beheaded and
buried in a mass grave of despair.

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