Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Does anything quite delight the super
extroverted zealot promoting an unsavoury
ideology like the attention she effortlessly
musters with each and every statement
teasingly geared to outraging the ardent
sensibilities of those committed to a sane 
world of order and equality when their very 
values are adopted then adapted to reflect 
the values of fascism cloaked in support of 
the public weal? While the rude and ignorant 
vibrate to promises skillfully veiled as geared 
to their needs in the guise of fundamental 
civil action yet recognized by the astute as 
attacks against all conservative normatives 
of conscience by those proudly identifying as 
'progressives', their attention and rejection 
serves only to highlight the gloating success 
of the advocate of sowing divisions along 
racial divides throwing in economic advantage 
for good measure. Raging denials of the lack 
of clarity in a staged protest purporting to 
defend common values while in the process 
managing to offend and distract, diffusing 
rampant bigotry by cunning design begets 
denials of outraged standard-bearers of civil 
decency all drawing attention to the assumed 
status of the ideologue for whom attention is
glorification of views and statements the
very oxygen upon which deceit prospers.

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