Friday, February 1, 2019

Taking Stock

When you are older you will see when
you are my age you will understand
when you are no longer so young all will
be revealed and the mysteries that so
confound you now will be mysterious no
longer. Familiar words to live by, better
yet to recall, shrug off and forget. Which
is doubtless just what I did when my mother
would repeat that mantra so irritatingly to
a daughter who posed too many questions
to which there were no answers. Now I
have answers to which there are no queries
and who to share them with? We yearn
when young to become adult and thus
acquire independence and that state will
bring us our own authority under whose
agency we are responsible to none but
ourselves. Envy for what we see as the
privileged lives others lead draws us toward
social facade lacking authenticity for we
view cursorily a screen beyond which no
eyes can penetrate without invitation and
none is given. Our youthful curiosity and
aspirations to become other than what we
are drive us toward a fragile goal hardly
worth the effort of agonizing over. In the
turmoil of our early minds we see an elusive
future enjoyed by others so why not ourselves?
Until the realization of maturity whispers to
us be content with what you are and have
achieved for it sits well on your psyche. 
Consider yourself privileged for you are.

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