Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Peace In Unity

A wisely ambitious man was that thoughtful
merchant urbanized in a desert geography
where tribal Bedouin exercised that most
basic of human endeavours committing
to never-ending conflict over scarce resources
the difference between prospering and 
indigence so wars of conquest prevailed 
between tribes and clans and believers in the 
gods of pagan faith until this man, raiding 
the sacred texts of two dominating regional 
religions mounted his own conquest of the 
wildly violent tribes using the persuasion of 
the bloody scimitar to gain adherents in
their turn committing to endless conquest
taking the Middle East through a storm of
slaughter, moving on to Europe, Africa and 
Asia to mount upon the weak in battle a 
belief in surrender to an inexorable divine
whose solution to rejection was execution.
Peace be upon those who surrendered
freedom and autonomy, to all others a
death warrant. Succession in a budding
dynasty brought disagreement eluding a
concordant satisfying all factions and 
from that sundering came a sectarian
storm that has never abated as one sect
slandered and slaughtered the other in an
endless cycle of religious fervour dedicated
to a faith whose purpose purported peace. 

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