Tuesday, October 31, 2023


He is but a vain, ignorant and shallow man

who confuses the dignity, honour and 

power invested in the office he held with

attributes that he does not himself 

exemplify. It is, above all, the power in

the position temporarily his that he felt

reflects the glory of an absent intellect

and inability to but mock the cerebral

functioning of those superior to him

holding positions meant to guide his own

while his quixotic decision-making sent

quavering shivers down the spines of

world leaders for any decisions he made

in the full fallibility of his flawed character

through the intrinsic majesty of that office

inevitably impacted the stability of the free

world upon whose freedom the decisions

emanating from his office traditionally

guaranteed. He is a madman run amok

and the dilemma is that lawful democracy

and the people's will placed him in such 

authority that others could only hope

he will in due time be but a footnote in

history which cannot pass soon enough.




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